The supervision process
In order to treat the complex problems of the self and family, we as therapists must understand the multi-layered of the self and relationships. The therapist that comes to supervision is looking for echoing and mirroring of feelings and thoughts that s/he experiences in therapy as the therapist.
Supervision is based on trust between the supervisor and the supervisee, and on the ability to take risks and expose our difficulties as therapists, impasses situations with patients, mutual cut-off, enactments, blind spots, psychological slips, etc.
In couple and family therapy, therapists deal with major burdens; some are related to inter-personal processes, and some related to both intra-psychic difficulties which call for personal processing. Some burdens are related to the therapist's personal issues outside the therapy that may indeed influence the therapy itself.
During supervision we attempt to create intermediate space between the supervisor and supervisee, in order to experience the hardships and transform them into a working-ground in therapy as well as in supervision.
In supervision we are using various therapeutic approaches that will allow understanding, interpretation and intervention. I use a selection of models and experiences in order to provide the most accurate supervision- from family structural approaches, to models of developmental psychology and psychodynamic perspectives.